Are you tinkering with your book?  

What does this even mean – to tinker? 

In a conversation with my air-conditioning man today,  he’s 70 and semi-retired and only takes two service calls a day and then he goes home and tinkers in the garage – cleans up or plays around with small projects. He tinkers without really being committed to any one thing.  

Are you doing the same with your book?  

You’ve got a story idea but you tinker with the story in your head, – it sounds good. Right? Your ideas are like ducks, they follow you everywhere but you never put the story on paper.   

You don’t want to stop writing because it’s fun to have this book to tinker with. And so, you overwrite and the story gets bigger and bigger and pretty soon it makes Gone with the Wind seem like a fast read.  

You’ve got the manuscript completed but you don’t know how to take the next step so you continually edit and re-write (rinse and repeat, it could go on forever).  

You tell everyone the book is coming, it’s coming, and it keeps you excited but you’re afraid to take that leap to published author. 

What do you really want from your writing journey?  

What can I do to help you?  

I offer coaching and services to help you take the leap from aspiring author to published pro but it doesn’t help you if resist taking that leap.  

Are you ready to be that person who wants to be known as the author of (insert title)?  

Are you ready to write about that experience for real, for personal transformation?  

Are you ready to leave a legacy for your family? 

Are you ready to scale your business?  

Are you  ready to have some fun with me?  

I help you 1:1 and this is where the real magic transforms you to take the leap of confidence to be a published author.   

Are you this person? 

**all of the above are from examples of where my clients were at when I started to work with them.  

About Rebecca

Hello, I’m Rebecca, a book coach, editor, ghostwriter and Bestselling author on Amazon with my women’s anthology book, Out of My Comfort Zone: Stories of Courage, Perseverance and Victory.

I help you take the leap from Aspiring Author to published pro with tailored editing and publishing strategies designed to make your book shine. With more than a decade of experience and earning a degree in English Literature after raising family my mission is to help authors like you turn good manuscripts into great books.

I’m a southern California city girl who loves the beach, sand and sun.

Let’s Connect! Go here to contact me.

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