Rebecca Camarena 2023 Resources

These are some of the people, products and services that continue to make a difference in my business and my life as an author. I’ll update this page regularly as I discover even more excellent resources for you to use in your author journey.

My Books

Out of My Comfort Zone: Stories of Courage, Perseverance and Victory offers a powerful look at the stories and struggles of female entrepreneurs and their rise to success. Read the stories of how they stepped out of their comfort zone to become the successful business women they were meant to be.

Embracing the Journey: Inspiring Stories or Hope, Healing and Triumphing Over Adversity – Over ten brave women came together with one mission in mind; to share their stories to inspire, empower, and offer hope and healing to those who may be experiencing something similar – grief and loss, divorce, toxic relationships and narcissism, abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, challenging health journeys, spiritual awakenings, being a parent of a child with special needs and intellectual disABILITIES, and more! Now they wish to share their wisdom with you.

Book Tools

Mock Up Shots – Imagine having a simple way of making amazing high resolution realistic renderings of your book that are proven to get you more readers, without Photoshop! With MockupShots you get the ability to create unlimited mockups of your books or products, all you have to do is upload your cover and select which images you want to download! You’ll get new mockups added almost every day and if you don’t see the one you need you even have the option of requesting that we make it. MockupShots provides unparalleled quality for a super great price. Normally $198 but use my affiliate link and get it for only $97 lifetime access.

Disclosure – Many of the recommendations will contain affiliate links for products or services. These are personally used by Rebecca and she’ll receive a commission for any resulting sales.