I can hear you saying “What does blessings have do with writing fears?” When you suffer from writer’s block it’s tempting to question your ability to write. You might be listening […]
Is Accountability in Your Writing the Missing Ingredient for You
One reason that some writers struggle to write and launch a book is because they’re the only ones who know about their goal. So, they don’t have anyone or anything pushing […]
Don’t Let Perfection and Procrastination Steal Your Writing Success
You’ve started your book and you’ve written a few pages. You’re on a roll and when you stop for the day you promise to write daily. But the next thing you […]
3 Ways Writing a Book Will Teach You about Your Fears and Your Habits
“When we conquer our fears we discover a boundless, bottomless, inexhaustible well of passion.” Steven Pressfield, author of Do The Work Writing a book is certainly a great way to boost […]
Stand UP to Self-Doubt and Don’t Let it Steal YOUR Motivation
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear. ” Jack Canfield, author Every writer struggles with self-doubt. You worry no one will like your book. You worry that […]
Learn to Squash Your Writing Fears
You’ve dreamed of writing a book. But you’re scared to get started. You silently wonder if you’ve got what it takes to write a book.