Are you tinkering with your book? What does this even mean – to tinker? In a conversation with my air-conditioning man today, he’s 70 and semi-retired and only takes two […]
Do You Journal
Do you keep a journal or diary while you write your book? As a child and teenager I wrote in journals. They chronicled my everyday life, the hopes and dreams of […]
Create a Ritual to Entice Your Writer’s Muse
“A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to write will die without putting a word on paper.” E.B. White, author Have you ever felt that you can’t write if […]
Frustrated with How to Write Your Book, these Three Simple Ways Can Get you Started
You know that a book is a powerful tool for a coach, entrepreneur and anyone else. You know that it not only helps to establish your expertise in your market, but […]
Use Your Calendar to Get Inspired to Write and Stay Healthy
Whether you’re a busy entrepreneur writing a book, an established author or content writer it can be hard to carve out time to write and stay healthy. Writing is a solitary […]
Breakthrough writer’s block by counting the blessing in your life
I can hear you saying “What does blessings have do with writing fears?” When you suffer from writer’s block it’s tempting to question your ability to write. You might be listening […]
Is Accountability in Your Writing the Missing Ingredient for You
One reason that some writers struggle to write and launch a book is because they’re the only ones who know about their goal. So, they don’t have anyone or anything pushing […]
Don’t Let Perfection and Procrastination Steal Your Writing Success
You’ve started your book and you’ve written a few pages. You’re on a roll and when you stop for the day you promise to write daily. But the next thing you […]
How to Write When You Have No Time
Think you don’t have time to write a book. Try looking at your schedule for the next two weeks to identify pockets of time.
How to Easily Deal with Distractions and Get Back to Writing
“Writing happens when you stay consistent and keep encouraging yourself that it’s okay to put words on the page.” – Rebecca Camarena, author Distractions keep you from writing. Whether they’re good […]
Setting Boundaries with Your Writing – Start Here!
“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.” Brene Brown, researcher, author, motivational speaker How many times a day do you […]
3 Ways Writing a Book Will Teach You about Your Fears and Your Habits
“When we conquer our fears we discover a boundless, bottomless, inexhaustible well of passion.” Steven Pressfield, author of Do The Work Writing a book is certainly a great way to boost […]
Stand UP to Self-Doubt and Don’t Let it Steal YOUR Motivation
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear. ” Jack Canfield, author Every writer struggles with self-doubt. You worry no one will like your book. You worry that […]