How long have you wanted to write a book? But where will you find the time. It seems as though becoming a published author is such a milestone to success. Imagine […]
Do You Journal
Do you keep a journal or diary while you write your book? As a child and teenager I wrote in journals. They chronicled my everyday life, the hopes and dreams of […]
Create a Ritual to Entice Your Writer’s Muse
“A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to write will die without putting a word on paper.” E.B. White, author Have you ever felt that you can’t write if […]
Breakthrough writer’s block by counting the blessing in your life
I can hear you saying “What does blessings have do with writing fears?” When you suffer from writer’s block it’s tempting to question your ability to write. You might be listening […]
Stand UP to Self-Doubt and Don’t Let it Steal YOUR Motivation
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear. ” Jack Canfield, author Every writer struggles with self-doubt. You worry no one will like your book. You worry that […]